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September 16, 2024
| Andrew lewis

Turn Life’s Uncertainty Into Your Greatest Strength

When was the last time that life blindsided you? I’m talking about one of those moments where everything was going smoothly, and then out of nowhere you were hit with an uppercut that put you flat on your ass.

Maybe you lost your job, went through a breakup, or just something threw your entire world off balance. Whatever it was, it probably wasn’t part of the plan. Right?"

They go through the motions, making plans, setting goals, and they think that they’ve got it all figured out.  As long as they follow the exact path that they created and nothing gets in the way, everything will work out as planned.

But let’s be real. How many times has your life taken a turn that you didn’t see coming? How often have you been blindsided by something you never expected to happen? It’s probably more times than you can count. When this happens, what do you do?

Most people panic in these situations. They try to grab onto something—absolutely anything—that makes them feel more stable. They scramble, they worry, and they fight against the tide, trying to force everything back to the way it was and how they think it should be. But here’s the truth: 

Deep down, you probably already know this. I’m sure you’ve felt it before because we all have. You know what I’m talking about: that sinking feeling in your stomach when things start to unravel, and you realize in that moment that your grip on life is slipping away. 

Now, I know that feeling can be a little terrifying, but that fear and panic that you’re feeling is a result of your resistance to reality.

You want everything to remain nice and stable and go according to your plan, but here’s a lesson that I was forced to learn the hard way: 

Life honestly doesn’t give a damn about your plans. 

It doesn’t care how much you’ve prepared and carefully put everything together. Life will throw you in the middle of a storm. It will rock your ship, and if you are not ready to adapt, you’re going to drown. But this is where it gets interesting. 

This blog post is not about rolling over and just accepting your fate. It’s about shifting your mindset and giving yourself a new perspective so you can stop seeing uncertainty as an enemy and start seeing it as an opportunity—because that’s exactly what it is.

I’m going to show you how to thrive in the chaos, to become stronger, more resilient, and more capable every time life tries to knock you down — because the real challenge isn’t the storm itself—it’s how you weather it.

We’re going to break down the lies that you’ve been told about control and stability, then we’re going to replace that belief with one that is more realistic. By the end of this, you won’t just be prepared for life’s unpredictability—you’re going to welcome it.

Let’s start to look at uncertainty for what it really is: the proving ground where you build true strength. It’s time to embrace the chaos of uncertainty, not because it’s easy, but because it’s where you discover what you’re truly made of—it’s the building blocks of your character.

So, stick with me. What I’m about to share will change the way that you look at the world. You’ll start to understand that temporary disorder isn’t the problem—it’s your resistance to it. Once you learn how to let go of that resistance, you’ll find that there’s nothing life can throw your way that you can’t handle. 

Now that we have established that life’s unpredictability isn’t the issue, let’s dig deeper into the real problem—which is the mindset that’s keeping you stuck and unable to pivot and move forward when needed.

Freedom from the Stuck Mindset

Most people are living in a delusion. They’ve bought into this lie that they can control everything, that if they fight and plan enough, they can bend life to their will. But you and I both know that’s not true.

This way of thinking is part of evolution, and I understand why it’s so easy to fall into the trap. We all seek comfort. We want to feel safe. We want to know what’s coming next, and we want to have a sense of control over our lives. It’s human nature. But there’s a problem with this.

You’re building a fortress of sand, thinking that it will protect you when the storms come rolling in. But guess what? When life hits—and it most definitely will—those walls will come crumbling down. That’s when you’re going to be tested. It’s in those moments when everything is falling apart that you will either rise to the occasion or be defeated.

That’s the moment the panic usually sets in. You start grasping at straws, trying to regain control. You fight, you resist, you try to force things back to the way you think they should be. But the more that you struggle, the deeper you are going to sink.  

Moments of chaos are like quicksand. The harder you fight, the faster you’re going to get pulled under.

You see, the more you try to hold on to what was, the more you’re going to miss out on what could be. That’s the real tragedy—missing out on the potential that is on the other side of the battle.

To help you better understand what I’m talking about, I’ll give you a quick example:

Imagine you’re in a relationship that you thought was rock solid, when suddenly it all falls apart. The person that you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with decides that they don’t want to be with you anymore. What do you do in this situation?

If you’re like most people, including myself in the past, you probably start to freak out. You desperately try to fix things and regain that sense of control. But you’re actually making things worse. You’re essentially pushing that other person away even more, and most importantly, you are stopping yourself from moving past it.

Now, I don’t want you to start beating yourself up if this sounds like you, because I’ve been there before as well.

I believed for most of my life that I could control everything and that I would be invincible as a result. I built my entire existence around this idea that I could force life to go my way. For a while, it worked. Until one day it didn’t, and everything I had built came crashing down. I was there standing in the rubble wondering what the fuck had just happened.

I was left with nothing but questions and the realization that I had been living a lie. I wasted so much time trying to fix things and to regain control that I nearly lost myself in the process. Actually, I 100% did lose myself but it was needed.

I was emotionally drained, mentally exhausted, and completely lost. But here’s what I finally realized—and this is the key:  You can’t control every aspect of life, nor should you want to.

You can’t force other people to follow your script and the more that you try, the harder you’re going to make things for yourself. That’s not just my personal experience; that’s the reality of it.

The more that you try to control, the more life will slip through your fingers and it’s in that moment that you either break or you finally break free.

You can break free from that lie that you’ve been telling yourself— that you can control everything, that you can avoid the storms, that you can live in a bubble of stability.

I want you to understand that this lie is your enemy. It’s what’s keeping you stuck. It’s what’s holding you back. It’s what’s preventing you from living your best possible life.

It’s time to let go of that lie. It’s time to embrace the truth that life is unpredictable, and that’s okay. Because once you do, you’ll start to see the beauty in the chaos. You’ll start to see the opportunities that lie within the uncertainty.

If you’re feeling lost, and if you’re struggling to keep it together, it’s time to wake up. It’s time to recognize that the problem isn’t the uncertainty—it’s your mindset around it.

It’s time to stop fighting against the inevitable and start using it to your advantage. Once you do, you’ll find that life becomes a lot easier and just more exciting in general.

So, now that we have stripped away the illusion of control and faced the reality that life can seem chaotic and is unpredictable, what do we do next? How do we move forward when everything we thought we knew has been completely turned upside down?

This is where the real shift happens—this is where you start to see the advantage and opportunity that lies in embracing uncertainty.

Because once you do let go of the need to control everything, you open yourself up to a whole new way of living. You start to see that uncertainty isn’t your enemy—it’s actually your greatest ally. It’s where you find the strength you never knew you had, and it’s where you will discover what you’re truly capable of in this life.

I want you to think about it like this: When you stop wasting energy on trying to control the uncontrollable, you will be able to free up that energy to focus on what actually matters. You will become more adaptable, more resilient, and most importantly—you will become unstoppable.

Life’s haymakers won’t be able to knock you down anymore. Instead, you will learn how to roll with them, to pivot, to find strength in every challenge. You will start to see every obstacle as an opportunity, every setback as a setup for a triumphant comeback.

The original Norse settlers braved the unknown. They ventured to Iceland in the late 800’s. These were not men who clung to the familiar and tried to control every aspect of their journey. They faced the unknown head-on and embraced the harsh, unpredictable environment that they found themselves in. 

Despite having all the odds stacked against them, the original Norse settlers were able to build a thriving community in one of the most unforgiving landscapes on Earth.

How did they do this? By adapting to the challenges instead of trying to resist them. Because they followed this approach, they conquered that unforgiving landscape.

Now, here’s the best part: You can adopt this same mindset for yourself. Instead of seeing uncertainty as something to fear, you can start seeing it as the tool that shapes you into your strongest self.

Every challenge, every unexpected twist, is another opportunity to learn, persevere, and become stronger.

When I first started to shift my mindset around uncertainty, I took a lot of inspiration from the teachings of Dr. David Hawkins and Eckhart Tolle.

Hawkins talks about letting go of attachments and accepting life as it is. He teaches that our struggle against uncertainty is rooted in our desire to control outcomes and that when you can let go of that need, you are able to open yourself up to a more natural, less resistant way of living. 

It’s about trusting that things will work out as they should, even if it’s not the way you expected—and from my experience, this is almost always the case.

Hawkins was an absolute legend, and I would recommend reading his books, specifically Letting Go and Power vs. Force. Start with Letting Go because Power vs. Force is a little dense.

Eckhart Tolle takes this whole idea a little further by emphasizing the power of living in the present moment. The way that I like to view it after reading his book The Power of Now is that the past is dead, the future is uncertain, and the only time you actually have is now.

You realize that your struggle with uncertainty isn’t just about what’s happening around you—it’s actually about how you perceive it. The stories you are telling yourself and the meanings that you have assigned to these events are shaping your reality.

These teachings really helped me reframe my entire approach to life to the point that I now have “Stay Present” tattooed on my hand.

Instead of trying to control every detail, I started to lean into the natural flow of things. And I’ll be honest with you, it was beyond liberating.

I stopped seeing the unpredictable as a threat and started seeing it as an opportunity. 

It wasn’t about giving into fate or letting life happen to me—I’m still on the fence about all that. It was more about taking action in the present, being fully engaged in the now, and being able to pivot and adjust my course when needed.

Another reminder of this for me is Stanza 16 from the Hávamál which is: “An unwise man thinks he’ll live forever if only he can avoid a fight, but old age will give him no peace, even if weapons do.”

This really helps drive home the point that the only thing in life that is certain is death, and you can’t escape it or prolong your life by simply trying to avoid conflict or danger.

I would say that it’s better to live with courage and fully experience life by exploring the unknown than to try and hide from the inevitable or uncontrollable.

So, here’s my challenge for you: Stop seeing uncertainty in a negative light and start seeing it as the path to becoming who you’re meant to be.

Embrace the unpredictability of life, and use it to build a stronger, smarter, more resilient version of yourself.

I don’t want you to just survive—I want you to dominate and conquer. I want you to be able to handle whatever life throws at you. The only way you’ll be able to do that is by learning to master control of yourself, not the external world.

We’ve now laid the groundwork, and you are hopefully starting to understand the illusion of control. You are starting to see uncertainty not as a threat but as a source of power.

But here’s the real question: How do you put all of this into practice? How do you take these ideas and make them into a living, breathing part of your daily life

Anchoring Yourself in the Storm

It all starts with building a foundation of discipline and solid habits. You can think of these as your anchors, the things that keep you grounded when everything else is spinning out of control.

When it seems like your life is getting turned upside down, you’re going to need something to hold onto—something that doesn’t waver. That’s where your discipline comes in.

It’s not about strict routines that fall apart the moment something unexpected happens. It’s about building habits that are so deeply ingrained with who you are that they become second nature for you.

Imagine waking up every morning knowing exactly what you need to do, no matter what’s happening around you. You no longer waste time or energy trying to figure out your next move because you already have a plan of attack.

You’ve built these positive habits and routines that serve as your foundation so when storms do hit, you’re no longer going to feel lost. You’re going to keep moving forward, step by step, with confidence and purpose.

But here’s the thing—discipline alone isn’t going to be enough. You also need to learn how to let go. I’m not talking about giving up or letting life happen to you. I’m talking about releasing your grip on the things you can’t control.

I promise you that there is a real power in doing this that most people will never experience. You’re freeing up energy for what really matters when you stop trying to force everything to fit your exact plan.

When you let go, you create space for new opportunities that you couldn’t see when you were blinded by your need to control and keep everything the same. This is when you will start to see new possibilities instead of just problems.

The best part is that when you let go of the need to control everything, and you stop fearing uncertainty, you start to live more in the present. This is where you have the most power.

You stop worrying about what might happen and start paying closer attention to what’s actually happening right now. because this moment is all you truly have.

When you are fully present and fully engaged in life itself, that is when you at your best. You are no longer distracted by the past or anxious about the future. You’re fully anchored in the now, taking action, making decisions, and moving forward with unwavering positivity.

So, what does that look like in your own life?

It means that when the unexpected happens—when life does hit you out of nowhere—you don’t panic and freeze up anymore. Instead, you pivot and adapt.

You use the discipline and the habits you’ve built as your foundation, and you stay focused on the present.

You ask yourself, “What’s my next move?” And then you take it. 

You don’t worry about 10 steps down the line. You take action in this moment, and trust that you’ll be able to handle whatever comes next.

I want you to fully believe that you will be able to do this because you’ve already made it this far, and you have overcome countless other obstacles to get here. You just have to keep moving forward.

As you practice letting go and staying present, you’ll start to notice something truly incredible. You’ll start to find that uncertainty no longer has the power to paralyze you. Instead, it becomes the actual fuel that drives you.

You’ll start to welcome the challenges because you know that it’s just another opportunity to become better. You’ll start to see life as a series of opportunities instead of obstacles.

So, I encourage you to take a look at your own life. Where can you start to build better habits? Where do you need to let go of your false sense of control? How can you start living more fully in the present?

When you can answer those questions and take action, you’ll realize that there’s not a damn thing that life can throw at you that you can’t handle. You’ll become unstoppable, not because the world around you is stable, but because you are.


Tactical Guide to Improve Habits & Discipline

38 pages of strategies to create your strongest self.

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Who is Andrew Lewis?

I’m a father, partner, and entrepreneur passionate about personal growth and purposeful living. Through Norse Fitness and the Norse Mentality podcast, I help others unlock their full potential and overcome life's challenges.